quadrangle - определение. Что такое quadrangle
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Что (кто) такое quadrangle - определение

Quadrangle (disambiguation); Quadrangular; The Quadrangle

·noun A plane figure having four angles, and consequently four sides; any figure having four angles.
II. Quadrangle ·noun A square or quadrangular space or inclosure, such a space or court surrounded by buildings, ·esp. such a court in a college or public school in England.
A quadrangle is an open square area with buildings round it, especially in a college or school.
N-COUNT: oft the N
¦ noun
1. a four-sided geometrical figure, especially a square or rectangle.
2. a square or rectangular courtyard enclosed by buildings.
ME: from OFr., or from late L. quadrangulum 'square', neut. of quadrangulus, from L. quadri- 'four' + angulus 'corner, angle'.



Quadrangle or The Quadrangle may refer to:

Примеры произношения для quadrangle
1. called Quadrangle.
New Complete Techniques _ Jacques Pépin _ Talks at Google
2. quadrangle at Cornell.
Everything All At Once _ Bill Nye _ Talks at Google
3. All our economy, that quadrangle,
4. It's the quadrangle that ranges from Cuiabá to Buenos Aires,
5. This quadrangle was supposed to be a desert.
Примеры употребления для quadrangle
1. The writer is managing principal of the investment firm Quadrangle Group LLC.
2. The new policy is posted at the entrance to Harvard University‘s Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center.
3. The arched entrance opens on a large quadrangle paved with solid bricks.
4. There are open bins and swarms of flies in the quadrangle, and cats roam free.
5. It has always struggled because of its location in the South Quadrangle, an underground complex behind the landmark Castle building.